232 Warwick Street | Watford, Ontario N0M 2S0 | Phone: (519) 876-2218 | Email: office@dennings.ca

Tribute Wall
Wilma Bastiaansen posted a condolence
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Our sincere condolences to Mary and your entire family with the passing of Ross.
Ross and Mary were good friends and caring neighbors to our Mother in Watford. For some time Mom was living with us in Thedford. So faithfully on Sunday’s Ross and Mary made the trip from Watford to bring Communion to Mom and for a visit. Thank You. Rest easy Ross. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Wilma Caris- Bastiaansen.
John & Dina Koolen posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Mary & family
Just read about Ross passing away very sorry to hear that missed you guys at walking & exercise in Watford when you moved away our thoughts & prayers are with you all
John & Dina Koolen
Denise (Daly) McLachlin lit a candle
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Denise (Daly) McLachlin uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 3, 2022




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Irene Zavitz posted a condolence
Friday, April 15, 2022
I am sorry to learn of Ross' passing. He was a true gentleman and interested and caring of others . I enjoyed his words of wisdom and his insight. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Irene Zavitz
Kevin and Carol Power posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Ross was a dedicated advocate of the people representing and putting into action his faith, representing the students and families as a trustee for the Catholic District School Board and as a Board member for the Waste Management. Thank you for serving the Watford community so well. Mary and family we are sorry for your loss.
Ted & Mary Lou MInten posted a condolence
Monday, February 7, 2022
Mary, we are sorry to hear of the passing of Ross. We have wonderful memories of your time in Watford. Our hearts go out to you and our prayers are with you and your family.
Ted & Mary Lou Minten & Family
Cherie Daly posted a condolence
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Denise & Janice, what a wonderful tribute to your dad, Uncle Ross. I so enjoyed reading about his history. I am so impressed with his many years of service and the joy he got from it. Always remembered with a smile and intense interest in everyone he met. Cherie
Lori posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sending my condolences to all of you. My mom was Margaret Ertel (Daly). I know that she and my dad always enjoyed their times with Ross. I always remember him being a very kind and happy man. Thinking of all of you at this time
Judy Duncan posted a condolence
Saturday, February 5, 2022
So sorry to hear of Ross’s passing Mary. You got to enjoy many happy years together.
Thinking of you and Ross’s family.
Fr. Rick Janisse posted a condolence
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Dear Mary and family,
I extend my sincere condolences and assurance of prayers upon the death of Ross. May God grant him eternal happiness in His heavenly kingdom. I will remember him ( and you ) in my celebration of Mass this weekend.
Much peace, Fr. Rick Janisse
Marianne Van den Hengel & Josh Martin posted a condolence
Friday, February 4, 2022
Our deepest condolences. Uncle Ross was always such an enjoyable man to chat and share a laugh with at family gatherings. He will be greatly missed.
Debbie Hou posted a condolence
Friday, February 4, 2022
Rest In Peace Uncle Ross. You will be missed. Ken and Deb Hou
Peter and Reinelda Leyten posted a condolence
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Mary and Family of Ross Daly. Our most heartfelt sorrow with the loss of a wonderful Husband ,Father and Grandfather. May the memories of a great man be the strength you need to help you in your time of sorrow and healing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God Bless You.
Jerry Bosch posted a condolence
Thursday, February 3, 2022
My deepest condolences to the families of Ross Daly. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jerry Bosch and family
Betty and Joe Thuss posted a condolence
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Sincere condolences to you Mary and all of Ross’ loving family. We always liked Ross and appreciated his presence and wise words. Loved his proclaiming of the Word in church. May he rest in eternal peace. Betty and Joe Thuss
Linda Ward posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
I had the pleasure and honor of serving as a trustee with Ross He was a dedicated trustee and true gentleman Ross was an true role model of our Catholic faith. The world has lost an amazing man May Ross rest in peace in God's Loving Arms
Linda Ward
Trustee on the St Clair Catholic District School Board
Gary and Theresa Franz and family posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Dear Jan, Denise and family. Out heartfelt sympathies to you all. Ross sounds like an amazing man and will surely be missed by his family and all the people who had the privilege to know and meet him.
Gary and Theresa Franz
Rachel, Monika and Erika
Mat Roop posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
With sincere condolences I offer my sympathy to Mary and family. I knew Ross as a true Catholic servant leader. As part of the school board administration, I had many pleasant one on one “parking lot” meetings with Ross after a board meeting and he always had a sincere interest in finding ways to better the system ... always for the benefit of our students. Trusteeship for Ross was serious job, not one for the glory. Rest in peace Ross… I am so proud to have known you and to be following in your shoes…. God bless! … Mat
John Van Heck posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Ross was a gentlemen and a man of God. I was honoured to sit beside him at my first meeting as a trustee of the St Clair Catholic School Board and he gave his guidance as I tried to understand the role and the scope of our work. Ross and Mary where a joy to have long dinners with at OCSTA events and share stories and fellowship. I am still in awe of the work he did in his retired life into his 90's. He is my "hero" and inspires me to stay active and connected to both society and our Lord. Rest Peace good and faithful servant may you be in the presence of God basking in his glory. Pray for me Ross and I hope to see you in Heaven someday so I can let you know that I still do not wear ties to meetings. My condolences to the family but their is nothing to be sad about. Ross led a rich and long life.
Helena Feeney posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
My deepest sympathy to Mary and her family on the loss of Ross.
Juanita Vandenberg posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Our condolences to Mary and her family at this time of great loss. Ross was a great friend to my parents for many reasons, and our family always enjoyed conversations with both Ross and Mary. May God be with you as you mourn the loss of your husband and father, and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Bob and Sherie MacLachlan posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Our sincere sympathy Mary. Ross was a good neighbour to us.
Bob and Sherie
Harry Emma Van Kessel posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Our deepest condolences to Mary and his family for the loss of her husband Ross.
Harry Emma Van Kessel.
Herman and Nancy Kremer donated to Fondation Sandra Schmirler Foundation
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
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The family of Joseph William Ross Daly uploaded a photo
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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